Mount Liavaag

Ellsworth Trans-Antarctic Flight Expedition

Mount Liavaag — Coordinates: 77°22'S 86°29'W

Mount Liavaag is a 1820-metre-high mountain in Antarctica (77°22'S 86°29'W). The mountain lies between Mount Holmboe and Holth Peaks near the north end of the Sentinel Range in Ellsworth Mountains. Mount Liavaag was discovered by Lincoln Ellsworth on his Trans-Antarctic Flight Expedition 23 November 1935. The name of Mount Liavaag was provided by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names (US-ACAN) for First Mate Lauritz Ludvig Martin Liavaag at M/S Wyatt Earp in 1936. He was also a member of two previous expeditions to the Antarctic with Lincoln Ellsworth.

Below there is an active map of Northern Sentinel Range in Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica. Click the upper right corner of the map to enlarge it. Also there is a historical map over the same area. Click the historical map to enlarge it and explore the details of Ellsworth Mountains and Mount Liavaag. At the bottom there are two pictures of Lauritz Ludvig Martin Liavaag as well as the rest of the members of the Ellsworth Expedition ca. 1933.

Map of Northern Sentinel Range in Ellsworth Mountains, Antarctica

Attribution: United States Antarctic Resource Center of the US Geological Survey., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Map of Mount Liavaag and Northern Sentinel
To certify that Liavaag has been in service of the Wyatt Earp expedition Members of the Ellsworth Expedition ca. 1933

Members of the Ellsworth Expedition

The two pictures at the top show First Mate Lauritz Ludvig Martin Liavaag

Behind: Bjarne Larsen (cabin boy), Dr. Reals Berg, Ingvald Strøm, and Lauritz Liavaag (who in 1933 was second mate)
Middle: Harald Bigseth (assistant engineer), Harald Holmbo (chief engineer), and Walther J. Lantz (radio operator)
Front: Chris Braathen (aviation mechanic), Oluf Dahl (chief steward), Bernt Balchen (pilot), Olsen (first mate and relief pilot), Lincoln Ellsworth (leader), Jørgen Holmboe (chief engineer), Sir Hubert Wilkins (advisor), Magnus Johannessen, and Captain Bård Holth


See also

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